
your nutrition personalized and simplified


Pathological, behavioural and specific treatment


270, Route d'Esch
L-1471 Luxembourg
Bus 18: Gaasperecher Bierg


English, French, Portuguese


Affiliated to CNS

Graduate in behavioural nutrition, sports nutrition. My goal is to simplify the approach and the relationship with food in order to help you achieve your goals.

The affiliation to the CNS allows you to benefit from an 88% reimbursement on dietary services prescribed by your GP.

Votre diététicienne Bianca

My Services

Chronic pathologies

Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, allergies, etc...

Behavioral nutrition

Nutritional strategy aiming to improve the quality of your health, food rebalancing, etc...

Specific needs

Sports nutrition, maternity and child nutrition, vegetarian nutrition, etc...

Your goal step by step

Votre objectif pas à pas
  • Initial visit

    Full history and anthropometric analysis (body weight and measurements). Discussion and definition of your objectives, initial nutritional advice.
    Third party payment: 12,43€ (Price excluding CNS: 103,55€)

  • Diet plan

    Within 7 to 15 days after the initial visit, your personalized diet plan is provided and explained to you.
    Third party payment: 15,53€ (Price excluding CNS: 129,44€)

  • Follow up

    Follow up of the evolution and adaptation of the diet plan according to your preferences.
    Third party payment: 7,77€ (Price excluding CNS: 64,72€)

Book an appointment on doctena.lu


© 2023 Bianca Paccagnan